Home Page: http://wow.sgaming.ro/
Create Game Account: http://wow.sgaming.ro/?page=register
Forum: http://sgaming.ro/forum
Realm Status: http://wow.sgaming.ro/?page=realm&id=1
Armory: (este inca in lucru)
Create Game Account: http://wow.sgaming.ro/?page=register
Forum: http://sgaming.ro/forum
Realm Status: http://wow.sgaming.ro/?page=realm&id=1
Armory: (este inca in lucru)
- Lord Marrowgarr
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Gunship Battle
- Deathbringer Saurfang
- Festergut
- Rotface
- Professor Putricide
- Blood Prince Council
- Blood-Quen Lana'Thel
- Valithria Dreamwalker
- Sindragosa
- Lich King
- + dungeons at The Frozen Halls
- Random Battleground
- Warsong Gulch
- Arathi basin
- Eye of the storm
- Alterac Valley
- Strand of the Ancients
- Isle of Conquest
- Wintergrasp
- Blade's Edge Arena
- Nagrand Arena
- Ruins of Lordaeron
- The ring of valor
- Dalaran sewers
sGaming WoW este un server de World of Warcraft, rate medii, toate instantele scriptate, LichKing merge si este scriptat, clasele/spell-urile/mount-urile/battleground-urile functioneaza perfect, Dungeon Finder-ul merge perfect. Mai multe detalii despre server gasiti la pagina Info.
Incercam sa rezolvam majoritatea problemelor/bug-urilor care apar in game cat si ale site-ului. Problemele rezolvate vor fi postate la pagina cu Fix-uri.
Pentru probleme sau orice alte detalii creati un post pe Forum, iar staff-ul v-a raspunde in cel mai scurt timp.
Ce mai asteptati? Creati-va un cont chiar acum!
Have Fun! Ne vedem in game!